REGISTRATION: DRIVER ED is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have a valid permit. Before you register to take the course, both student and parent are requested to attend a mandatory ZOOM conference call on Thursday, September 8, Monday, September 12, or, Wednesday, September 14 from 7 – 8pm, that will detail the rules, regulations and requirements of the Driver Ed program.
Register for Driver Ed Info Zoom: @ for an invitation to attend. Zoom invitations will be sent the afternoon of the scheduled meeting to those who have registered by noon on those days.
After the meeting, you may register for Driver Education classes: between September 16 - September 21
Course Fee: $125.00 per Arlington student 165.00 per Non-Arlington Resident student
Additional Information Here!! or call Arlingon HS at 845-486-4860 x 32102