Facilities and Operations

The Dover Union Free School District's Facilities & Operations department is responsible for all aspects of building and grounds maintenance for all 3 school buildings.

Our office oversees all custodial services, grounds, and maintenance which includes playgrounds & athletic fields, mechanical and electrical maintenance, structural repairs and heating and air conditioning.

The administrative staff is responsible for the operation of the computerized scheduling program, processing work orders, the preparation of all reports dealing with facilities, and the purchase of all supplies, materials, and equipment.

The Facilities and Operation Office can reached by:

phone: (845) 877-5700 (individual employee extensions are listed below)
between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.


fax: (845) 350-4069

Our office is located in the Dover Middle/High School complex

Carlo Chiarenza-Director of Facilities

Holly Cestone - Head Custodian

Cathy Reilly -Secretary

Wingdale Elementary School:

Dover Elementary School:

Dover Middle/High School:

For Work Order Requests, please complete the following form

For Room and Building Usage Requests please use the following link

Both the Work Order and Room Usage Requests can be accessed by Faculty under the Teacher Links Drop Down in Chrome

FAQ questions regarding Room Usage can be found here:

Dover Union Free School District Usage Information can be found here: DUFSD Building Usage

Dover Union Free School Insurance Requirements for Building Usage : Insurance Requirements for Use of Facilities



The District is now using Master Library Scheduling. Please review the links listed below to get started.


When requesting facilities for the first time on ML Scheduling you are REQUIRED to upload your insurance documents.

Requesting Facilities Use & Building Use Schedules

Please use the link below for instructions and to request use of School Facilities.

PLEASE NOTE: All school, Town of Dover Recreation Department, and JHK Fire Department functions will cancel out any and all requests. When possible reasonable notice will be given to the groups requesting usage.

Subject to change without notification All events/functions may not be listed

Please note that the calendar may change many times in a course of a day.


Facility Use Requirements/Rules

NOTICE: Applicant's signature acknowledges Applicant's agreement to abide by all rules governing use of facility and/or premises. These rules apply to use of all Dover Union Free School District buildings, grounds and/or ball fields or parks, including owned or leased facilities. Failure to abide by these rules may result in denial of future requests for use and liability for any damages, which may occur as a result of such failure.

The use of all District facilities shall be subject to the approval and rules of the Board of Education administered by the Building Principal or other Board designee. Organizations wishing to use District facilities shall apply on-line at . The Buildings & Grounds office has final approval authority.

  • Application for public use of facility and/or premises shall be made on line and shall be filed at least 14 days before the proposed date of use. Please note: you need to request all rooms you wish to use. If this is not on use form you may not be able to use other rooms.

  • Application may be reviewed by the Director of Facilities who may require detailed information from applicants, may reject an application, and/or may cancel any permit previously issued.

  • The applicant is not allowed to sub-contract.

  • Applicant expressly agrees that any use of facility and/or premises is for Applicant's own purposes and not the purposes of Dover Schools.

  • Applicant is responsible for inspecting the facility and/or premises prior to use to determine suitability or premises for intended use. This includes a condition report to be completed on certain areas of use after use.

  • Prior to the start of the event, an announcement should be made to your group regarding emergency evacuation procedures. For example, point out posted procedures, directions for exiting, how to respond to a fire alarms, etc.

  • The person receiving the permit shall obtain from Dover Schools' permission to decorate, shall use only materials acceptable to the local fire marshals, and shall remove all decorations before leaving the building. Stairways, corridors and entrance/exits must be kept clear at all times. When applicable, auditorium exit lights must be used. Defacement of walls by holes or nails is not permitted. The use of material on floors or other parts of the facility and/or premises is prohibited without the approval of Dover Schools.

  • Room capacity may not be exceeded.

  • Temporary electrical or mechanical modifications are prohibited.

  • No open flame, candles, fire, or smoking shall be allowed on or around Dover Schools at any time.

  • The possession or use of alcoholic beverages, illegal substances, tobacco products and weapons in and on all the Dover Schools property including all district buildings, district grounds, district-owned and leased vehicles, and sites leased the Dover Schools is prohibited. No person shall be permitted in a building that shall appear to have partaken of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal substances, etc.

  • Proper supervision shall be provided by those to whom the accommodation is granted, including police protection, if necessary. This supervision must ensure the protection of school property, the enforcement of rules and regulations including safe school policy, illegal substances, and the prevention of people wandering through the facility and/or premises. Persons may not be on school premises other than in the designated area applied for and the direct approaches to the area. Applicant must ensure that an adult will assume direct responsibility and supervision for any facility usage.

  • Following the use of the facility and/or premises, applicant shall inspect all areas actually used by anyone admitted to the facility and/or premises during Applicant's period of use and shall be responsible for returning the facility and/or premises in the same condition as received. Should the Applicant find any damage, it must be reported to the building custodian immediately.

  • Applicant will be responsible for conscientious use of energy. Lights and equipment will be turned off when the group is through with the building.

  • Applicant shall be responsible for all damages or claims or loss of property, resulting from use of the facility and/or premises. Applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the District and all of its officials, for any and all claims and for any attorney's fees incurred because of any and all claims resulting from the use of facility and/or premises.

  • Groups using Auditorium must seek permission at all times to alter, hang, display, move etc. items in the area. There is a NO FOOD/DRINK policy for the auditorium, please adhere to this. No sparkles and/or glitter allowed in auditorium.


Fees for use of auditorium will be charged in accordance with the current Use Fee Schedule approved by the Board of Education on 6/27/2023:

  • Auditorium Usage Fee   ---$500/event---

    • Per event non-refundable deposit, must be paid prior to event start date


  • Lighting Technician $70/hr. (Weekday/Saturday)      $85/hr. (Sunday)

  • Sound Technician $70/hr. (Weekday/Saturday)         $80/hr. (Sunday)

  • Custodial Coverage $50/hr.  (Weekday/Saturday)     $60/hr. (Sunday)  *per custodian required

  • Maintenance Fee $65/hr. (Weekday/Saturday)        $80/hr. (Sunday)  *if needed

  • Gaffer's Tape ---$15/roll---- ONLY TO BE USED - District will supply & bill group


  • Applicant must have on file a hold harmless agreement.

  • Applicant must show evidence of a minimum of $1,000,000 combined single limit for general liability insurance coverage. (see below) If applicants are individuals wishing to utilize the facilities or site, they must provide evidence of insurance by giving a homeowners' policy number, name of insurance company, and expiration date of policy. They must attest to the fact that their policy covers property damage and medical coverage for those involved. A certificate of insurance must be provided to Dover Union Free School District prior to use and at the discretion and request of Dover Schools, naming Dover Union Free School District as an additional insured.

  • The user hereby agrees to name the District as an unrestricted additional insured on the user's policy.

  • The policy naming the District as an additional insured shall:

    • be an insurance policy from an A.M. Best rated "secured" New York State insurer, permitted to do business in New York State; contain a 30-day notice of cancellation; state that the organization's coverage shall be primary coverage for the District, its Board, employees and volunteers;

    • additional insured status shall be provided with ISO endorsement CG 20 26 11 85 or its equivalent.

  • The user agrees to indemnify the District for any applicable deductibles.

  • Required Insurance:

    • Commercial General Liability Insurance - $1,000,000 per occurrence/ $2,000,000 aggregate.

  • User acknowledges that failure to obtain such insurance on behalf of the District constitutes a material breach of contract and subjects it to liability for damages, indemnification and all other legal remedies available to the District. The user is to provide the District with a certificate of insurance, evidencing the above requirements have been met. The failure of the District to object to the contents of the certificate or the absence of same shall not be deemed a waiver of any and all rights held by the District.


  • In the event of inclement weather and school is closed/early release/no after school activities there will be no activities. When inclement weather conditions exist, do not use fields when damage may occur due to extremely wet or dry conditions. Applicant is responsible for damages for failing to comply with this requirement. Please notify Rudy Abrams, 845-656-9280 of extremely wet or dry conditions which may be due to sprinkler system malfunction.

  • All posted rules must be adhered to.

  • Facilities are not available if in conflict with school use/Town of Dover Rec Department or JHK Fire Department.

  • The District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, physical impairment or sex in its educational programs or employment services.

  • In the event of an accident, please notify the custodian on duty, or call the Buildings & Grounds Office 845-877-5700 x 1226 the next morning.

Lead Testing

Lead Testing

The Dover Union Free School District is committed to protecting the health and welfare of the students you entrust to our care everyday along with that of our staff and community members.

On September 6, 2016, Governor Cuomo signed legislation requiring all school districts in New York State to test potable (drinkable) water systems for lead and to take responsive actions, if needed.

Test results were measured against the New York State Department of Health protocol, which sets acceptable lead limits as 15 ppb (parts per billion). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends a standard level of 20 ppb.

Regulations call for testing to take place in 2020 and every five years thereafter, unless the state Commissioner of Health requires testing sooner.

School districts are required to report the results of all water testing to the state Department of Health, the state Education Department and the local health department, and to post the results—along with remediation plans. Our results are listed in the link to the right.

The district identified water sources that needed to be tested according to the new law, which included drinking fountains, sinks, and ice machines. In phase one, (the initial testing), the district sampled all locations in accordance to the new law. The results of that testing are listed by the building to the right under downloads.

EPA links:

Web address to the link:

Link on their website is called: EPA Lead Water Information and FAQs

Pesticide Use & Notification

There will be a Pesticide Application at DMS on December 22nd

English Version of Letter DMS 12.22.23

Spanish Version of Letter DMS Spanish Version 12.22.23